For the next few days, we will talk about the 10 most censored countries as reported by Committee to Protect Journalists and Reporters Without Borders based on the series of benchmarks including absence of and/or restrictions on privately owned or independent media, criminal defamation laws, criminal restrictions on the dissemination of false news, blocking of websites, license requirements to conduct journalism and others.
The country which ranked 8th is Equatorial Guinea. Its policies against media and any form of information dissemination are deeply saddening, disturbing and terrifyingly familiar!
In November 2017, the internet was shut down on the day of voting for parliamentary and municipal elections, and Facebook was blocked for about three weeks prior to the vote according to EG Justice.While Belarus' head of state is in power for 25 years, Equatorial Guinea's President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo is in power since 1979; Africa's longest-ruling head of state for almost 41 years!
Have you heard about this? How does this make you feel? We'd love to hear your thoughts!